Filmmakers, also referred to as film directors, have the unique ability to transform written stories and ideas into visual presentations, such as movies, television shows, documentaries, animations, and advertisements. Their goal is to create content that spurs...
Finding the right film school to nurture your talent isn’t hard with this list that comprises the top film schools around the world. With options all over the U.S. as well as in foreign locales, film students have numerous options for learning the art of...
Storytelling aims to communicate an idea by feeding the audience’s imagination using the storyteller’s words to paint a picture. There are 4 elements of storytelling: Interaction – Interaction between the storyteller and an audience. Actions and words – A...
Background Rocketry: The Nambi Effect is based on the life of Nambi Narayanan, a former aerospace engineer from the Indian Space Research Organization who was accused of espionage. Starring Madhavan as Nambi Narayanan [Rocket Scientist] Shah Rukh Khan as a journalist...
So you have an idea for a new film — that’s great! But it’s important to know how to pitch your movie idea. Do your research, develop a compelling creative pitch, and know the essential “dos” and “don’ts” of selling your idea....