Blackmagic Camera – Everything You Need To Know

Blackmagic Camera – Everything You Need To Know

The Australian company BlackMagic Design manufactures Blackmagic Cameras. It develops video editing software, such as DaVinci Resolve and Blackmagic Fusion, and designs and manufactures broadcast and cinema hardware, most notably high-end digital movie cameras.  Image...
Composite Video – Everything You Need To Know

Composite Video – Everything You Need To Know

Composite video is a single-channel analog video transmission format that carries standard-definition video at 480i or 576i resolution. Unlike the higher-quality S-Video (two channels) and even higher-quality component video (three or more channels), video information...

Types of Film Shots: 80+ Shots You Must Know

A film shot, or camera shot, is a continuous view through a single camera without interruption. By combining different types of film shots, movements, and angles, filmmakers can emphasize different actions and emotions for different scenes. What Are Film Shots? Types...
Jump Cut: Everything You Need to Know

Jump Cut: Everything You Need to Know

A jump cut is a transition between scenes in a film that involves breaking a single shot with a quick cut, jumping between scenes. It creates a jarring effect for the audience by portraying a jump in time and skipping ahead to a later date. Jump cuts differ from other...
Practical Effects: Everything You Need to Know

Practical Effects: Everything You Need to Know

Practical effects or in-camera effects are visual effects created by hand using props and special equipment. Practical effects are the original special effects, as they existed before digital technology tools. Some of the common tools filmmakers use for practical...